Mimicking human visionBreaking through by breaking down images into "viewlets" - UCLA researcher draws on principles of cognitive science to create supe
Understanding why AI classifiers can be trickedHumans see the entire object, while the artificial intelligence networks identify fragments of the object.
Facial Lie DetectionYour microgestures tip the AI to your veracity - and this system is being developed for use at border crossings in Europe.
AI Comes to the ERResearchers used 37,236 head CT scans to train a deep neural network to identify whether an image contained critical or non-critical finding
Personalized AvatarsSo many applications for synthetic versions of YOU - or of the athlete you wished you were.
Mapping the Human Cortex, One Millimeter at a timeUnder the auspices of the US Government's intelligence arm, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) seeks to revolu