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Add-ons designed to "explain" AI decisions are shown to be unreliable at best, fraudulent at worst
AI's value lies in reaching optimal conclusions, not satisfying idle curiosity - AI bias hysterics, sit up and take notice Click here for...

The marriage of drug discovery with machine learning spawns an evil twin
producing compounds deadlier than any yet found Low barrier of entry: datasets of toxic molecules are ubiquitous and the generative ML...

More holistic approach to data born in NLP outperforms ubiquitous convolutional networks
in image recognition Transformers are computationally intensive; hybrid approaches with traditional CNN's are also being explored Click...

Reinforcement learning is applied to nuclear fusion
finding the optimal way to shape the hydrogen plasma in the tokamak AI's characteristic problem-solving originality helps jumpstart...

YouTube's caption AI mishears words spoken by children and those with unfamiliar accents..
crab is crap, buster is bastard, etc. Children's videos seem most acutely affected, so it's kind of a big deal - and shows how inaccurate...
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